Here you will find fresh posts about the most effective copywriting techniques to make selling a pleasure and not an ordeal.

I also write posts, from business owner to business owner, about how to survive with your online business.

Plant curiosity seeds in your copy

Plant curiosity seeds in your copy

And glue the reader to the screen. How do scriptwriters get us to binge on series? By piquing our curiosity. At the end of an episode they leave a huge door open so that we can't do anything else (not even go to the toilet) until we know what's behind it. You need to...

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Plant curiosity seeds in your copy

Plant curiosity seeds in your copy

And glue the reader to the screen. How do scriptwriters get us to binge on series? By piquing our curiosity. At the end of an episode they leave a huge door open so that we can't do anything else (not even go to the toilet) until we know what's behind it. You need to...

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