How to create powerful success stories. 4 examples

You may have noticed that some brands use success stories or case studies as social proof.

Sometimes testimonials are not enough and prospects need more robust evidence to prove how great your service or product is.

Case studies also help to clarify the message and are particularly useful in B2B.

If you sell software, an innovative product or a specific service, explaining in more detail how that product or service helped a customer solve their specific problem can be what prospects need to take the decision.

There are case studies that are mega detailed reports which take up several pages, and others that are more specific and summarise only the problem and the solution.

In this post, we will see some examples of case studies/success stories to better understand the structure they follow.

As with everything related to words, it’d be convenient to count with a copywriter to write them.

A copywriter knows what’s important to highlight and what can be left out in each case.

They know how to choose the right words, so the case study provides better results.

Let’s now look at the steps you should take to create compelling case studies together with some great examples.

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Choosing the client

You may have many clients who are highly satisfied with the results obtained after using your product or working with you.

But when choosing one of them, you should look at certain criteria that will ensure the case study is a success.

Criteria for choosing the perfect client for a case study or success story:

– The client is highly satisfied (Elementary, my dear Watson)

– The client represents your ideal client (or that area on which you want to focus your efforts)

– They’ve obtained specific and verifiable results after working with you

– They’ve worked with or used a competitor’s product and switched to your brand. This would be the perfect case!

Once you have chosen the client you need to be prepared not to waste anyone’s time.

Have your questions ready and let the client choose the best time for an interview.

Organise a video call or meet in person. This way the client can elaborate and provide more details.

If you just send a questionnaire, you run the risk the client will never reply or they won’t include important information.

In a conversation, you can always ask more questions whenever the answer is a bit vague.

Now let’s see what kind of questions you should ask to obtain powerful answers for a compelling and enlightening success story.

How to create powerful success stories. 4 examples. #copywriting #successstory #casestudy #digitalmarketing Share on X

The kind of questions you need to ask to create a success story

Every success story we find on the internet follows the old “Before and After” narrative.

What we aim to do when writing a success story is to help the prospect imagine how your product or service can improve their lives.

You want to show them: “this customer was in A as you are now and thanks to this product they’re now in B which is where you also want to be”.

So when writing a success story we need to start with the problem.

I rectify, we should start, as always when we write a piece of copy, with an exhaustive research of the challenges, objections and wishes of our prospects.

Recommended reading Research will save you from catastrophe

Once we know really well which are our prospects’ struggles and wishes, we can ask the right questions to the client we’ve chosen for our success story.

You should choose a client with whom you’ve worked recently because you will know exactly what situation they’re in when they contacted your company and they will also have a much more vivid memory of that transformation.

Write a script to make sure you don’t leave anything out and make sure you ask open-ended questions that need more than just a yes or no answer.

Here are some examples of the kind of questions you need to ask the client to describe their situation before working with you and the transformation they have experienced afterwards:

  • What specific problems did you have before you decided to look for a solution?
  • At what point did you realise that you had to do something immediately to solve those problems? Was there a “turning point”?
  • Which factors played an important role in your decision to choose us?
  • What made our product or service different from others?
  • What was your experience of working with us after you bought our solution?
  • Did anything about working with us surprise you? Did it exceed your expectations?
  • Was our product or service easy to implement in your workflows?
  • How long did it take before you started seeing positive results?
  • What kind of benefits have you gained from working with us? Can you detail them as much as possible?
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The structure

The success case will always follow this structure.

– Problem or better called Challenge

– Solution

– Result

Let’s take a look at an example to make it clear.

On Accenture’s website, we find good written success stories.

Accenture is a consulting and digital solutions company.

With their success stories, they explain in a clearer way (with examples) how they can help a company to obtain better results.

How to create powerful success stories. 4 examples. #copywriting #successstory #casestudy #digitalmarketing Share on X
Success Story

Call for change

Keeping metro commuters comfortable in the summer heat is no easy task. It can take huge amounts of energy to power the ventilation systems that keep the air flowing and the temperatures down. Metro de Madrid knew this better than most.

Notice how they use clear language, without technicalities that are difficult for the average citizen to understand.

You should always aim to write copy that is understood by everyone and not just by experts.

Our buyer persona may be the director of a company that doesn’t necessarily need to know all the technical aspects of their activity.

When tech meets human ingenuity

The Madrid Metro Ventilation experts worked with Accenture Applied Intelligence to develop a system that took inspiration from an unusual source: the coordinated foraging behavior of a bee colony.

That’s the solution. See how they use a simile to help prospects better understand the solution, they compare it with the coordinated foraging behaviour of a bee colony.

With this simile, they also confirm a suspicion we all have, that much of the innovative technology man has created is inspired by nature.

To tell us about the results they use simple icons and headlines.

Success Stories examples

See how they provide specific data – with percentages and number of tons – of the improvements obtained.

As you can see, the success story demonstrates with a real example how Accenture can help a company to solve a specific problem, with clear, specific and descriptive language so everyone can get it.

They also take the opportunity to market their advanced technology and equipment.

Storytelling in Success stories

Success stories are useful to convince those prospects who need a final push.

Because they have doubts and need answers.

By reading the details of why a company with a similar problem to theirs got the results they are also looking for they will get the final nudge they need.

Moreover, success stories follow the structure of any story. People like stories, especially those that end well.

They all follow the same structure: Challenge-Struggle-Triumph

The hero of every story suffers from a difficult situation but in the end, he wins.

This kind of story gives us hope because we think that we too can achieve big things and get out of a problematic situation.

Let’s look at an example where they use storytelling elements to tell a success story.

How to create powerful success stories. 4 examples. #copywriting #successstory #casestudy #digitalmarketing Share on X

Scape the City is an organisation in the UK that offers a Start-Up accelerator program.

On the program page, we can find a few success stories told in only a few lines of brilliant compelling copy.

This is a good example of how we can write great copy to tell a story without having to add too many details.

Every success story follows the same structure as that of a tale.

The heroes found themselves in an undesired situation and they scaped to make their dream come true.

If you are thinking to found a start-up you will identify completely with these protagonists and will feel compelled to do as they did and join the program.

Look how they add details of their success, yearly revenue, reach, etc.

Being specific always help to be more compelling.


Success stories can also be presented in video format.

The video can include parts where the customer talks about her experience as well as demonstrations of the service or the solution.

It can be done in webinar format as Scandit does, a mobile scanning software company I work for.

It can also be presented in downloadable pdf format as Kira Hug, an American copywriter does.

Examples of success studies

For both video and pdf, or directly on your website, the structure will be the same: Challenge-Solution-Result.

I hope I have helped you understand how you can create a success story with your best clients and thus demonstrate that your brand transforms businesses.

See you around!

How to create powerful success stories. 4 examples. #copywriting #successstory #casestudy #digitalmarketing Share on X

Sobre Elena de Francisco

Siento un placer inmensurable aplastando textos zombis que no dan resultados y transformándolos en textos llenos de vida que provocan muchas ventas.

About Elena de Francisco

I find real pleasure in crushing zombie copy that doesn’t provoke any emotion and turning it into vivid words that convert prospects into smiley paying customers.


  1. Thinkho Mtonga

    this is an excellent guide to writing a success story. I simply love it.

    • Elena de Francisco

      Thank you Thinkho!

      • ojambo

        hello, how can i get to you, i need your support on stories

          • Mulu Emmanuel

            please kindly write for me a success story for drilling new water point where it provide clean water to the community and i need to write success story it, as that community stay for so many years without getting clean water and they are now so happy to get clean drinking water, in south sudan

          • Elena de Francisco

            Dear Emmanuel,

            Thank you for your comment. I’m sending you an email to find out more about your project.
            Speak to you soon


    • Anguyo Bonface

      Hi good morning 🌄
      Iam Bonface
      Can you please send for me an example of a written success story of children who have been playing sessions in team up

      • Elena de Francisco

        Hi Bonface,

        Thanks for reading my post. You’re asking for a very specific example… I haven’t written any success story on that topic. But you can do a search on Google, you might be lucky! 😊

  2. Thinkho Mtonga

    I would like you to send me WELL WRITTEN examples of a success stories so that Ican relate.

    • Elena de Francisco

      Hi Thinkho,

      There are many well-written success stories on the internet. I gave you 4 examples in the post but you should also keep your eyes open whenever you browse the web so to identify good stories. I don’t know you so I wouldn’t know which stories can be relevant for your type of business. What do you do?

    • Khadija

      I work in an organization where they produce seed and sell and also we assit farmers, So pls i need you to help me write a success story of a farmer who collected input from us

      • Elena de Francisco

        Thank you Thinkho for reading my blog. I sent you an email.

  3. Daniel James

    I need well written examples of success stories.

    • Elena de Francisco

      Hi Daniel,

      In this post, you have some good examples. To be honest, it takes time to find good examples because not many companies use this powerful tool and make the most of it. My advice is to dedicate some time to navigate the internet to find good stories.
      I work with Iron Mountain localising their content to the Spanish market and they have some good success stories like this one.
      You can check their website and read more.
      All the best,

  4. Mostafa

    Hi, please, i need a good success store for spare parts selling sector to one of customer , so , please, i need some points.

    • Elena de Francisco

      Hello Mostafa,

      Thanks for your comment. You can follow the structure I explain in this article having the examples as a guide. Or you can hire a copywriter to write it for you. Success stories are very important to help prospects understand how a product can help.

  5. Ghaffar

    need a template to write the livelihood

  6. Ghaffar

    working on the project delivering the livelihood support the farmers which were affected by 2021 flood.
    so to write the success stories on the germination f rice ,wheat, fodder and vegetables seeds

  7. shfiqullah payenda

    please kindly write for me a success story for humanitarian project.

    • Elena de Francisco

      Hello Shfiqullah,

      Write me an email to and I will see what can be done. Thank you

    • Elena de Francisco

      Thank you! Happy that you found them valuable

  8. Hillary Byamugisha

    Dear Elena, Am so much pleased with this guide. I have tried reading many guides on how to document stories of change or success story. Your guide is really simple and easy to understand. I have learnt on the best way to write success stories that communicate impact of my work or organization contribution especially to the donors. Am currently documenting stories of change for one of the approaches that contribute to Mental Health and Peace building in communities affected by wars and conflicts. May be i would like if there is any specific template that you have in mind or u have used so that i can look at it and see how best i can modify it to fit in stories i want to document. Otherwise, i really appreciate your work

    • Elena de Francisco

      Dear Hillary, thank you for your nice comment. I have sent you an email. We can discuss there how I can further help you with your project. I’d like to contribute to your cause.

  9. Vinay Damor

    Thank you for informative information


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