I’m Elena and I love to smash zombie copy

The Zombie Copy Slayer
I hate zombie copy!
I’m talking about those pieces of copy staggering around the internet.
You quickly recognise them because they don’t provoke any emotion, they’re dead and eat businesses alive.
They’re very dangerous and make you lose sales!
I’m their number one enemy and together with my allies, the Slay-Words, we smash them.
And in their place, we leave enticing copy, full of life. Copy that makes lots of friends, but above all…
Lots of money.
You are unique in this world and so is your business.
Together we’ll find out what makes you special and we’ll communicate it with clear, compelling and original copy.

No more zombie copy
Do you want copy that not only increases your sales but also converts your customers into fans of everything you offer?
Do you need someone to advise you on how to structure your website, on the design, calls to action, etc. to increase conversion?
(The copy can be amazing, but if the design gets in the way people aren’t going to read it or click on the buy button).
Maybe what you need is a powerful email sequence that helps you sell that course, service or product you want to launch.
Then we are meant for each other!
Let’s get you all those clicks

Why could I be the copywriter you were looking for
80% of my clients work with me again. They consider me a valuable partner for their business.
I don’t believe in creativity without results. If you win, I win. That’s why I spend lots of time researching and studying before I write a word.
I’ve lived in 4 countries and speak 5 languages which wides the pool of resources I can draw from.
Because I write in international English I can be the missing link you need to expand your business beyond your borders.
I’ve built up a trusted network over the years. In case you need help with other stuff.
I’m very good at listening. I often come up with new ideas that transcend the copy.