5 ways to find customers when you don’t like social media

If you’re like me, the thought of promoting your work on the socials gives you hives.

You don’t see yourself uploading posts every single day proclaiming how great you are and how much you know.

It’s a way of being exposed and that’s not fun for many of us.

It seems to me that social media has become an annoying hubbub where the presumption reigns that she who makes the most noise is the most right.

When this isn’t the case at all.

Often the opposite is true.

Those who seem more sure of themselves and of what they say, either only state the obvious, or simply repeat what others have said before, only louder.

You might be thinking… Not everything in the socials is negative.

I do use them to find out about events happening near me, have a good laugh or read a post from those people who really have something interesting to say (they’re often the least loud).

When you’re a freelancer – or have your own business – you feel obliged to use social media for promotion.

Everyone says you should be there, adding your voice to the constant chatter.

But you procrastinate and grudgingly post something once in a blue moon that only your friends and family ‘like’.

You don’t want to think too much about it, still, you feel that daily burden on your shoulders…

But there’s something they never say in the socials and it’s that…

There are better ways to get clients without social media.

And you can do great. I’m a living proof!

In fact, I’m convinced that for most small businesses the socials are a waste of time that could be better spent on more effective techniques to find new projects.

Let’s take a look at what techniques work when it comes to finding clients for those businesses that hate don’t like social media.

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5 ways to find customers without social media

1.      Blogging and SEO

When I started my copywriting business I decided to invest time and energy on my blog.

I wrote 4 articles per month and searched for the keywords my prospects used in their Google searches.

After 8 months my website was in the top 10 on the Google results page for keywords such as “copywriting examples” or “freelance copywriter“.

And I keep writing articles because it works for me.

80% of the clients I work with have found me on Google.

And I’ve never paid for ads.

Now I don’t have so much time to write 4 posts a month because I’ve got more work than when I started (thank goodness!!!) so I write 1 or 2 posts a month.

Even so, my website is still very well-placed.

Once Google places you in the top search results, you just need to keep your website active by refreshing it with new content and updating the existing one.

Is it an investment of time (or money if you pay someone to write the articles for you)?

Yes, it is.

But one that delivers real results in the medium term.

I read a lot about SEO and keep up to date with Google’s algorithm changes by reading blogs from people who are experts.

And so I apply what I learn to my website to make sure it’s always up to date.

If you want to learn how to place your website in Google’s top results, in this post I explain several SEO techniques. Although I wrote it in 2020, all of them still work today. Check it out!

5 ways of finding clients when you don’t like social media. #marketing #blogging #SmallBiz Share on X

A lot of people are now using AI with tools like ChatGPT to create content, and I think that’s great because it saves a lot of time.

But you shouldn’t just upload the content ChatGPT has come up with because it will lack personality.

ChatGPT is great for giving you ideas on what to write about and finding structure, but you need to add your personal vision to make your content original and interesting.

Uploading poor quality, duplicated or boring content won’t rank well on Google because people won’t stay to read it and then your bounce rate will be too high.

The bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who leave your website as soon as they land on it because they don’t see anything interesting.

Use ChatGPT to generate many different headline options, new ideas for articles or service pages, but then add your vision with examples, anecdotes or references, so it’s not just a robot spitting out content that already exists somewhere else.

If you manage to be consistent and write engaging articles on your blog, Google will reward you by ranking you high on the search results page and customers will be knocking at your door without you having to go looking for them.

Recommended reading: 5 straight-forward ways of attracting organic traffic to your website

2.      Build a mailing list

When I started blogging I also created a lead magnet to get more subscribers to my mailing list.

My lead magnet is a free guide with some basic copywriting techniques to attract international customers to your business.

If visitors want it they need to leave their email address and subscribe to my list. Then they receive an email every 2 weeks with relevant and useful copywriting tips.

Email is a way to reach out to those prospects who haven’t yet taken the decision to hire you or buy your product.

These prospects need more information since they’re still not ready to buy. (Warm audience = they’re interested in your offer but are still on the fence).

Maybe that subscriber won’t hire you right away, but you show up in their mailbox on a regular basis and if someone asks them for a therapist they’ll recommend you, or if one day they decide it’s time to invest in the future of their business, they’ll hire you.

Besides, sending emails is cheap.

Much cheaper than paying for SM ads. And it tends to work better because it creates a closer and more personal relationship.

Your prospect decides to open your email because they’re interested in your content, it’s not like when we feel interrupted with an unsolicited ad on our feeds.

Further reading: How to write an email that won’t be sent directly to the trash folder

5 ways of finding clients when you don’t like social media. #marketing #blogging #SmallBiz Share on X

3.      Networking

We are human and therefore we like to relate to each other.

If you’re introverted you may not always feel like it.

But the truth is that meeting people in the professional sphere opens up more doors and new projects come along.

If you don’t like big events where everyone seems to be a PR expert, there are other ways.

Join coworking groups, or sign up for trainings where you can meet other freelancers or small business owners.

I consider myself a fake extrovert.

When I’m around other people I seem sociable. I talk a lot and I joke around.

But socialising eats up a lot of my energy.

I’m actually quite introverted and most of the time I like to be alone enjoying my own company.

Often my best plan is to stay home reading a book or watching a film.

But I also feel the need to be among other people from time to time. You learn a lot by talking to others.

Some of the clients I work with have met me through other acquaintances or we’ve connected at an event.

Showing your face from time to time at events for entrepreneurs, freelancers, coaches, designers, copywriters, health professionals, whatever it is you do, will bring you business opportunities and also facilitate interesting collaborations.

Although I love working alone and don’t want to be part of a team on a permanent basis, collaborating from time to time on a project with other people fills me with great energy because it’s an opportunity to grow and learn from others.

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4.      Send reminders to clients you’ve worked with

Don’t be shy.

Sending a timely email or WhatsApp to your list of clients you’ve already worked with can save your month or quarter.

For instance at Christmas, to wish them happy holidays.

Your email can be the pinch they needed to remind them they want you for a new project.

But you don’t have to wait for Christmas.

Any time is a good time to send them an email asking how they’re doing and reminding them that if they need help again you are their person.

This kind of emails has brought me a lot of joy.

As well as bringing you new projects, they boost your morale since you realise that people value your work and want to work with you again.

But remember the golden rule when writing anything:

Time is precious. Don’t waste anyone’s.

Don’t talk too much about yourself and how great you are.

Better ask them how they’re doing. Personalise the email or WhatsApp so they don’t notice you’ve sent it to 50 others!

Tell them a funny story that will make them smile or give them an interesting piece of information.

5 ways of finding clients when you don’t like social media. #marketing #blogging #SmallBiz Share on X

5.      Cold emails

Instead of blasting messages left and right to an intangible mass of followers on social media who are often not even your ideal customer because they aren’t ready to buy, spend that time and energy on companies or individuals who are more likely to hire you.

First search for those companies or freelancers who may need your services or your product and send them a personalised email.

This kind of email is called a cold email because you’re pitching to people who don’t know you at all, so you need to gain their trust in just one email.

Cold emailing isn’t easy but with practice, it can work really well.

Go through these 5 steps:

  1. Make them open the email with an interesting subject line
  2. Use the PAS formula
  3. Clear up any doubts
  4. Prove your arguments
  5. Close in style

Let’s look at these steps one by one.

An interesting subject line

We all receive tens of unsolicited emails from brands every day. So to make sure prospects open your email, the subject line has to be interesting enough.

A subject line is interesting when it:

  • Promises a benefit
  • Arouses curiosity
  • It’s fun and different

In this article I break down the formula for writing attention-grabbing headlines and subject lines.

Some of the brands I’m subscribed to use a technique that works great for subject lines and that’s asking questions. For example:

  • Are you there?
  • Can Spotify make you more productive?
  • Do you use WordPress? You need this

Asking questions nudges people to open an email to find an answer.

Nobody likes to leave a question unanswered!

PAS Formula

As soon as readers open the email they should find something of benefit to them. They need to quickly find the answer to the question “Why should I bother to read this email?”

And the PAS formula is an easy way to make sure you answer that question.

The PAS formula work like this:

  1. Problem
  2. Agitation
  3. Solution

You agitate the problem when you describe in detail all the issues that person (or company) is suffering that stem from the main problem.

For example, if you think their website looks shabby and old-fashioned and you’re a web designer you can start by saying:

“Your website is like your business’s shop window. If it looks untidy, cluttered and it’s not clear what you’re selling, no one will come inside.”

Always personalise the email, find a couple of specific problems you’ve found on their website and explain why these problems are causing them to lose money.

Then offer a solution to that problem and list everything that your solution will achieve:

  • Your page will load faster and people will stay on page longer
  • The design will look modern, intuitive and much more attractive.
  • Contacting you will be much easier with a live chat and a direct call button.

Clear up doubts

Doubt it’s only human, especially when dealing with an unknown company.

Convince them why they won’t regret hiring you, and write in a personal, kind and approachable way.

Invite them to take a look at your portfolio, offer them a free demo, invite them to a video call.

The goal here is to get them to trust you.

Prove your arguments

The best way to convince your prospects about how good you are is letting others bolster your arguments.

Add customer testimonials, surveys, a success story of a specific customer, comments from other people in your niche.

These are great ways to prove you’re just not talking b*llocks.

Close in style

At the end of the email, you want prospects to contact you or click on a link to buy a product.

And for that, you need to remind them of all the benefits they get if they do it.

Summarise them in points in a clear and compelling way.

People are eager to know how what you offer can solve their problem.

Be honest. Be clear. And be yourself.

To sum up

Social media can be very useful, I don’t deny that. A lot of people are making tons of money thanks to it.

But it isn’t the only way.

Many businesses are doing really well without having to upload posts or videos all day long.

The 5 ways of getting clients without SM we’ve seen before can also help you sell more.

You don’t need to say goodbye to SM forever.

You can try some of these techniques I showed you and continue using SM if it’s helping you.

When it comes to promoting your business, only you know which techniques work best for your business.

Don’t be too influenced by what others do (not even by what I’m telling you in this post 😋) and choose your own way of doing things.

Any way of promoting your business is good if it’s getting you results and doesn’t make you feel like you’re selling your soul to the devil.

Because being true to yourself is very important!

See you around!

5 ways of finding clients when you don’t like social media. #marketing #blogging #SmallBiz Share on X

Sobre Elena de Francisco

Siento un placer inmensurable aplastando textos zombis que no dan resultados y transformándolos en textos llenos de vida que provocan muchas ventas.

About Elena de Francisco

I find real pleasure in crushing zombie copy that doesn’t provoke any emotion and turning it into vivid words that convert prospects into smiley paying customers.


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