I’m pretty sure you already know this, but here’s some important information in case you don’t.
If you have a business and you want to attract more prospects you need to create content that people want to consume.
Every business is on the internet and therefore there are millions of videos, posts and articles being published every day.
Once you get over the hump of thinking about it what can lift your spirits is coming to the conclusion that if so many businesses are doing it it’s for a reason.
Because creating content works.
Content helps you reach more people and build a relationship of trust with your target audience.
We all work very hard to earn a salary, so we’re not willing to give our money away to just anyone.
People are very selective about what they buy, either because they like the product or, more often than not, because they like the brand behind it.
Sometimes it takes time to build this relationship with your prospects.
As with any relationship, there is first a phase of getting to know each other, when we decide if we like each other.
It’s the same with brands.
If you want to get your prospects to choose you over all the other options, you have to build that relationship bit by bit.
So how do you start the conversation that will allow you to gain your prospects’ hearts?
By creating quality content that adds value to your audience so they choose you the moment they’re ready to buy.
Here’s how.
1. Find your voice
In a digital world full of AI-generated content, having your own voice is even more important.
Don’t be afraid of being different and offering your point of view.
This is what will differentiate your brand from the hundreds of others who talk about the same topics using similar buzzwords.
Working as a copywriter and content creator I’ve met clients who were reluctant to use a different tone or to talk about their personal story.
However, only by offering a little bit of your personal story to your audience, they’ll feel more in tune with you.
It’s the same when we meet someone. We want to know a little about their journeys so we can feel closer to them.
You don’t need to share intimate stuff but if you include personal experiences when creating content, they’ll be more engaged.
People don’t want to hear business gibberish, but stories that resonate with them.
Here’s how:
Write down anecdotes that happen to you while doing your shopping or going on holidays and use them in your content to illustrate your point of view.
I give you an example.
Recently in a post I published on how to write email marketing I included an anecdote that happened to me personally.
I explained in detail why an email I had recently received had worked so well and how they got me to buy what they offered.
By providing examples you explain better a concept and you engage your prospects.
Some people use humour, others suspense. You can play with words and even experiment with the tone.
Professional content creators like me can adapt their voices to each client according to the tone they want to convey.
An example of a company with its own voice is Laser Kitten.
Nostalgic statement pieces + remixed vintage w/ a hit of LA glitter punk🔒🧷
This irreverent high/low fashion brand for punky unicorns as they call themselves has 116K followers on Instagram and a peculiar voice.
They know their audience and talk to them using language their prospects will identify with.
Recommended reading: 4 Exercises to Create a Brand Voice that Stands out
2. Create content on a regular basis
Unfortunately, publishing content once in a blue moon won’t work.
Only by publishing content on a regular basis will you get the results you want.
And I don’t say it just to be annoying, but because it has its logic.
Publishing content frequently will bring you these two great benefits:
- Your audience won’t forget you
- Google and Meta will show your content more
To have a good relationship with your audience you have to think in the same terms as when you meet someone.
If you suddenly disappear from their lives that relationship won’t go anywhere.
It’s the same with your prospects, you have to be there without being a stalker.
Publish content that interests your audience because it teaches them something or because it entertains them.
But don’t be a pain. Quality always comes first versus quantity.
Being found on Google search will bring you lots of joy.
Because people actively searching on Google are already looking for a product or service like yours so it’ll be easier to nudge them to buy.
3. Use different channels
Choose 2 or 3 channels (Facebook, YouTube, X, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok) and make sure you share your content, always including a link back to your website.
If you don’t add a link to your social media post, traffic will stay on those channels and you won’t have total control over it.
Your website will always be yours and it won’t be affected so much by external factors. (i.e.Which platform is now more trendy or which one has a bad reputation etc.)
Don’t stress trying to be everywhere unless you have enough budget to pay an external agency to do your socials.
Aim well and collect the fruits.
The profile of Instagram users is not the same as the people who read content on LinkedIn.
You need to know your audience very well to know where they are.
Create content for them and share it on the channels they use.
If you choose Instagram, you need to do a good job with your photos as the content on this channel is mostly visual.
Videos attract a lot of attention, but first, you need a great script.
Recommended reading How to Write Instagram Captions that Boost Sales
4. Use conversational language
Most of us don’t read anymore, we scan a text.
We read the title, the headings, and we stop at the interesting parts.
Only if the content is very well written and the reader feels that you are speaking directly to them, will they read/watch the whole thing.
That’s why you need to write in simple and direct language that doesn’t bore people.
Use short sentences and paragraphs of no more than three lines.
When editing your copy, read it out loud to check the rhythm.
If you think there are fragments that are monotonous, try breaking up the rhythm by combining long and short sentences.
You can also wake your reader up by introducing a personal anecdote or a funny example to get their attention.
Writing content for marketing is very different from writing fiction. I’m telling you this from personal experience.
I’ve been writing fiction for years and I’ve finished a novel that I hope to publish one day.
When I started writing business content, I had to completely change the way I wrote. I had to relearn how to write for people who scan and read fast.
I learned to break up paragraphs and reduce the use of literary vocabulary in favour of much simpler and more direct language.
Fiction and business are two very different ways of writing and reading.
If you read fiction, you’ll know what I’m talking about.
In any case, reading books (fiction and non-fiction) will help you to communicate better.
5. Stand out
You can only stand out by doing things differently.
If you see that your competition is only publishing articles, you might decide to create videos or infographics.
Or if you see that your competition is publishing 800-word articles, try writing 3000-word ones.
Express Writers, call this the Content Differentiation Factor.
So how do you find your own?
By offering your point of view that puts a slightly different and fresh spin on topics your readers have heard before.
It’s your way of looking at things.
A lot of people are scared to express their opinions and take a stand on a certain issue.
I can understand that.
There are a lot of haters who can make your life miserable…
But, if you always stay on the surface and don’t give your perspective on anything, you won’t stand out from the crowd and okay, you won’t have haters, but you won’t have enthusiastic followers either.
You can’t please everyone!
6. Quantity and Quality
These two concepts should never be at odds.
Be realistic about the frequency with which you want to publish content and make sure you publish quality content.
Don’t sacrifice quality for quantity, otherwise, your efforts won’t yield the results you expect.
There’s no point in publishing every day if the content is poor, boring or just a copycat of something else.
Better to publish less frequently but only useful and entertaining stuff.
If you don’t have the time to create frequent, quality content, one option is to hire someone to do it for you.
7. Offer value
Choosing the topics you want to talk about is not an easy task.
You have to put yourself in your reader’s shoes and think about what they need and how you can help.
Think about the problems they face every day or the type of reading or videos they consume.
There are several ways to learn more about the kind of content your audience likes.
- Looking at your Google and Meta Analytics to see which articles and posts worked the best
- Asking your best customers what they would like to read or watch
- Studying comments they leave you but also those they leave to your competitors
- Elaborating on topics that have fallen short in other posts
By using these sources you will find topics to talk about and get your audience to follow you with interest.
Sometimes we think that everything has been said but surely no one has said it like you.
You can always offer something new.
Recommended reading How to Find Topics for your Blog and SM
8. Collaborate with others
When you start writing a blog or creating content for your website no one knows you.
For the first few months, you’ll only have friends and acquaintances who follow you.
Then as long as you publish content regularly other people will become interested in what you have to say.
A quick way to get more followers is to write as a guest on other blogs in your sector and to collaborate with other businesses on SM.
Even if it hurts, you will have to reserve the best posts for those other blogs because slowly but surely they will bring followers to your own blog.
Maintain a good relationship with those well-known people in your own sector and offer to write for them.
The day someone asks you to write on your blog as a guest, you’ll know you’re on the right track.
If you’re like me you sure don’t like asking for favours or being a flatterer.
But you don’t have to see it that way.
If there are people you admire but they are far from your circle reach out to them and be honest in your comments, people like to receive positive comments if they are sincere.
Offer them help and always be considerate.
If they like what you create, they’ll probably say yes to a collaboration.
If you don’t try, you’ll never get it.
9. Don’t give up!
It takes time to build a community of followers. All the successful brands you follow have been creating content for a long time.
Don’t despair and be persistent without getting depressed when you see the anaemic results analytics spit in your face.
Celebrate your small victories, that post that got more likes than ever, those 3 generous comments, etc…
The important thing is that you don’t stop creating.
An editorial calendar can help a lot.
At the end of each month, sit down for a few hours and write down the topics you’re going to cover over the next weeks.
You’ll be more productive because you won’t have to spend time every day thinking about what you’re going to write, and you’ll be able to get on with your post or video faster.
The thought of being so organised might intimidate you at first because you think planning is the worst enemy of creativity.
But you’ll soon realise that’s not the case.
Most creative people put time in their calendars to be creative and to generate ideas, and although this may seem contradictory, it’s not.
The brain is a muscle that can be trained for almost anything.
Planning your editorial calendar in advance will make it easier for your creativity to fly free.
What I do is also leave room for improvisation.
Sometimes I’ll change the calendar and introduce a topic that wasn’t planned because I feel like talking about it.
Maybe I read a book or article that inspired me, or maybe I had an inspiring conversation. Whatever the reason.
It’s also important to feel free when creating content.
Creating quality content on a regular basis is what will bring you more business.
Yes, it takes a lot of time and dedication but it’s an essential part of your business.
You basically have 2 options; one is to set aside at least 3 hours a week to create content and the second is to hire a professional to do it for you.
Thanks for reading till the end!